The California utility’s bankruptcy filing sets up a complicated legal case that could raise electricity rates and hurt power suppliers while generating hundreds of millions in lawyers’ fees.

Now liabile for tens of billions of dollars in wildfire damages, Pacific Gas and Electric filed for bankruptcy protection, a move that the company claims was its “only viable option.” But some PG&E investors, elected leaders in its home state of California, and public interest groups contend that bankruptcy is not needed and will hurt millions of ratepayers and anybody who owns shares in the utility or does business with it.

What this means for customers of PG&E is a high likelihood of spiked rates to off-set the liability of the wildfires. But homeowners have another option—energy independence! Green Solar Technologies covers the PG&E area and can install a solar energy system fully equipped with 24 hour monitoring accessibility and post-installation customer support to make sure homeowners in the PG&E area are not paying more for the mistake of the utility company.

With the recent advancements in solar technology, homeowners can now produce their own electricity instead of depending on utility companies to power their homes. And because of the Federal Tax Credit, going solar through the end of 2020 is extremely advantageous, potentially reducing the cost of your solar power system up to 26%!

A tax credit is a reduction in the amount of taxes you owe. The typical property that goes solar with Green Solar Technologies pays about $30,000 for a 6 kilowatt solar installation. For such a system, a 26% Federal Tax Credit could reduce your taxes by $7,800—and that’s not even counting other credits that may be available or promotional offers. If you know the eligibility requirements and how to claim them, taking advantage of this credit is very easy.

NOTE: We’re not tax people, so we don’t give tax advice. The material made available on this page is used to explain the federal tax credit, and is not designed to specifically solve any unique issue. Not everyone will be eligible, so please consult a tax professional before filing your tax credit.

Focus On Energy Renewable Rewards

If you’re installing a solar energy system on your home in Wisconsin, we will help you get a rebate on the cost of your solar equipment from Focus on Energy. For every kilowatt (kW) of solar power you install on your property (up to 4 kW), Wisconsin homeowners are eligible for a $600 rebate. That translates to $2,400 cashback in your pocket in addition to the major solar savings you’ll see on your electricity bill.

Some of the major utility providers participating in this program would be WE Energies, Dairyland Power Coop, Wisconsin Public Services (WPS), Xcel Energy, Wisconsin Power & Light (Alliant Energy subsidiary), Madison Gas & Electric (MGE), Polk-Burnett Electric Coop, Adams-Columbia Electric Coop (ACECWI), Oakdale Electric Coop, and Barron Electric Coop.

Contact us to see if your utility provider will be participating in this solar rebate program.

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